Amber Rohal

Amber is the creator of Active Parents, and loves nothing more than finding something new and noteworthy to share with local parents. Amber's 2 daughters make many appearances on Active Parents, and if you pay attention, you may even see her husband Matt.

Memorial Park Oakville Header Image

Memorial Park In Oakville

A playground, an art installation, and a public garden are open for exploration at Memorial Park.

Things To Do in Stratford Ontario

Spend the Day in Stratford, Ontario

Have you been to Stratford, Ontario? I hadn’t been in years, so when a friend inspired me to visit again, I did. I took the kids on the road and we spent the day in this adorable small town. Here’s what we did.

Ripley’s Aquarium: Video Tour Highlights + FAQs

Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada has been a staple of Toronto family entertainment for years and it continues to be one of our favourite day trips. If you haven’t been in a while rest assured that it’s as good as it’s ever been and even feels more organized now than ever before.

Play Winter Bingo and Win!

Raise your hand if you’re stuck at home and bored…me too! Let’s play some winter Bingo! to pass the time, shall we?