The Best Trackers and Apps for New Parents

Chantale, a new mom, is sharing her favourite apps for new parents to help make your transition to a new parent a simple and joyful one.

Navigating the new world of parenthood can be extremely intimidating. No matter how many hours you log in to your prenatal class or how many books you read, there is nothing that can truly prepare you for once that baby is placed in your arms. In my own experience, right after G was born by c-section, I was wheeled into a room and after a few checks here, we were left to tend to this new being ourselves. That’s when I looked at her and thought ‘oh my word, what the heck do I do now?’ Maybe some of you had your mom instincts kick in right away but that was not the case for me as I’m sure was also the case for many of you. I remember constantly questioning myself at every bump and turn that we faced as new parents. 

I thought it would be a great idea to share some amazing apps for new parents that exist to help make this transition a little bit easier. Obviously, there are loads and loads of apps out there but this list is simply ones I personally have tried or what my mom friends have recommended. If you recommend any apps for new parents, please share them in the comments! 


I remember coming home from the hospital with some tracking chart I was supposed to fill out. Did you get one? I haven’t seen that chart since day one! So the first thing I downloaded was a tracker app. When it comes to sleep, feedings, dirty diapers, medication, it can be so overwhelming to keep track of everything. Thankfully, there’s an app for that! Here are some of the top ones:

BABY DAYBOOKThis one allows you to track TONS of things including feedings, sleep, diaper changes, food, pumping, drink, bath, potty, toothbrushing, medicine, temperature, vaccinations, doctor visits, tummy time, walks, crying, playtime, symptoms, etc. It’s very extensive so you can use it for more than just the baby stage.

OVIA PARENTING This is a more simplified tracker geared more at the newborn stage. This one tracks sleep, feeds and diapers. 

HUCKLEBERRY – This tracker is geared towards helping specifically with sleep, but also tracks feeding and diapering. In addition, Huckleberry provides you with a ‘sweet spot’ for when to put baby down for a nap, plus it tracks how long it took baby to fall asleep. 


The next milestone you will encounter is introducing food. Another overwhelming journey with many different approaches that can also thankfully be tracked through an app.

NUTTRI Nuttri is split into different age categories and covers foods allowed for each of those ages. It gives preparation suggestions, nutrients details and suggestions on how to purchase it (organic vs not). In addition, Nuttri also tracks all the foods you serve to the baby and if there’s any kind of reaction, if they liked it or not.


No one is meant to go through motherhood alone, so how do you find mom friends?

PEANUTAn essential parenting app if you’re the first of your family and friends to have a baby! The best way to describe the Peanut app is Tinder for meeting moms. Create a profile with the age and gender of your child along with some of your interests and city. Then you swipe to connect with the moms that pop up. (Personal plug for this one, I met my daughter’s BFF on this app!)


There are so many points in a baby’s development that are just beyond what we can comprehend or keep track of. We don’t always have time to research all of the upcoming milestones that baby is headed towards. Or to know what activities you should be encouraging your baby with. These apps have that covered for you.

PLAYFULLYAs baby gets older they will want more opportunities to play. This parenting app provides age-appropriate play ideas for each stage of your baby’s development.

THE WONDER WEEKSRight from birth, your baby will work its way through different developmental ‘leaps’. These leaps will involve times of increased fussiness and clinginess or changes in sleep. You’ll learn what is going on developmentally at each of these leaps and ways you can help to guide your baby through it.


One more thing to keep track of with a new baby is their immunizations. Every two months your baby will have a doctor’s appointment for immunizations but do you know what for and more importantly, where did I put that darn little yellow booklet?!

CANImmunizeThis is a digital vaccination record for your child. For example, do you remember those yellow cards your baby’s doctor or nurse gives you? This can replace that. It provides you with a scheduled timeline of what vaccinations to expect at which visit. It also just provides tons of great information about vaccinations both for baby and yourself.

Parenthood is a lot to wrap your mind around. These apps for new parents are meant to take the guesswork out of your new role. In eliminating some of the guesswork, you can hopefully spend more time just being present with your baby. Most importantly, these apps are meant to help you gain confidence in the great job you are already doing as a new parent. If any of these tools are not doing that for you, or are causing more stress and pressure for you, please delete them. Above all, you do you because YOU will always know best!

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