Letters to Santa – Important Dates For Grown-Ups!

Canada is one of the few places where when you mail your letters to Santa, he writes back! It must be because we’re so nice! It’s time to make your list, check it twice, and hope that Santa sees you when you’re being nice! Here is how to write a letter to Santa Claus , and where to mail it once you’re ready.

The History of Letters To Santa in Canada

Canada Post’s Letters to Santa campaign traces back to the early 20th century when postal workers across Canada took it upon themselves to answer children’s letters addressed to Santa Claus. In 1982, Canada Post officially established the ‘Santa Mail’ program, encouraging children to send their wish lists and heartfelt letters to the North Pole.

Volunteers, often postal workers and community members, enthusiastically respond to these letters on behalf of Santa. This initiative not only spreads joy but also fosters a sense of community and goodwill. It has become a beloved tradition, symbolizing the holiday spirit and the magic of childhood, as Canada Post continues to deliver happiness each year.

Mailing Letters To Santa – By The Numbers

These are some impressive statistics, directly from the North Pole! Many kids write to Santa every year and it’s amazing that Santa personally writes back to so many of them. Santa’s Canada Post volunteer elves are ready to help answer your letters in more than 30 languages, including Braille!

Letters to Santa Active Parents
image courtesy of Canada Post

3 things to remember when Mailing Letters To Santa

  1. Make sure to include your full return address. Santa may know where you live, but his postal elves need this information to deliver your letter.
  2. Santa really loves to read about children’s favourite sports, jokes, school activities or family fun (even if Mom and Dad help with the writing). And, of course, he loves to get pictures and drawings from even his youngest pen pals!
  3. Send your letter soon. December 6, 2024 is the last day to mail letters (it’s a long way to the North Pole and back!). Letters mailed after December 7 may not receive a reply before Christmas. Bonus: no postage is required!

December 6, 2024 is the last day to mail letters to Santa If You Want a Letter Back!

Where to Send Letters To Santa from Canada

We love sharing Santa Claus’ address with you! Santa’s mail can be sent to:

Santa Claus

c/o the North Pole

H0H 0H0


More Fun From Canada Post

Do you need inspiration for your Canada Post Santa letter? The Canada Post website has a variety of printable stationery pages, including some fill-in-the-blank style letter to Santa templates for early writers. And Santa’s Village at Canada Post has thought of everything, including 3 emergency letters, when the North Pole mail just doesn’t make it back to you in time.

More Christmas Activities For Families

5 thoughts on “Letters to Santa – Important Dates For Grown-Ups!”

  1. My baby 19 months old wrote a letter to Santa clause we didn’t put a stamp on the envelope because it’s not required, we put a return adresse but his letter was returned to us, can you tell me why is that?

    P.S. Broken hearted

    1. Sorry, I have no idea. Did you write that it was a letter to Santa? With the mailing address as above? Was the letter opened then returned or just returned?

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