Simple ways to keep moving your business forward

Active Parents is a digital business, always has been. And in order to grow with the masses, we have invested countless hours learning and testing the ever-changing social media algorithms and perfecting our local SEO. We connect (in real life) with our followers and clients, so we know what they want and what they like. So take some simple tips from us and read through these free resources we share with businesses to help them help themselves move forward. 

And if this all seems like too much to add to your plate right now, we can help. Send us an email to discuss

5 Ways To Get More Customers

We always ask a trusted friend or neighbour for their advice. Everything from What are you watching on Netflix? to Where do you send your kids for daycare? We value their opinions because they are “real people” just like us.

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This Is Why Your Social Media is Dying

It’s got to be that new algorithm, right? Or that Reels are the only content people are being shown, right? Meh, that’s only half of the problem. The real reason that your social media is dying is that you forgot

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Small Businesses: Survive, Then Thrive

Business has changed overnight, and we know how to keep you top of mind with customers while showing you’re in touch with the current climate. We can get through this together, with a little effort and by easily pivoting our

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