Staying Connected While Social Distancing

We’ve got lots of extended family who, in a normal situation, we are lucky enough to visit with often. But with social distancing and being asked to #stayhomestaysafe, we’ve had to improvise!


Good Ol’ Snail Mail

It’s an obvious choice, but often we underestimate just how much joy happy mail can truly bring someone, especially in times likes these. The next time you’re at the drug store, pick up a book or two of stamps to keep on hand. Sending mail is a great way to practice grammar, spelling and penmanship, too!


Get Crafty

If you live close by, you can drop some beautifully painted rocks, a handpainted birdhouse, or garden decor off for your loved ones to admire for years to come, long after social distancing is done with. Painting rocks is our favourite. Painting is a quick hit of creativity, rocks are free and paint is cheap! Just remember to seal them with something like Mod Podge if they’re going to be exposed to the elements.


FaceTime, Facebook Messanger and Zoom Chatting

If you use an Apple device, and so does your family member, you can use FaceTime to see them live and up close! It’s fairly easy to walk someone through if they’re already using an iPhone or iPad.

Using an Android phone (like me!) means no FaceTime ability, but if you both have a Facebook account, you can use Facebook Messanger to video call. This avoids long-distance charges but WiFi is necessary.

No cell phones? No problem! If your family has access to a computer, you can Zoom with them! Have you heard all about Zoom? It’s a lifesaver for staying connected. So many folks (even senior’s homes!) are using it to stay connected with the ones they miss the most. It’s free to set up an account and free to have a private call for 40 minutes at a time, with up to 100 people on the line – whoa!


Care Packages

What do you do when kids are missing their sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpa’s house? You put together some sleepover essentials and drop off a Sleepover Kit! Include things like popcorn, snacks, cozy slippers, a couple of Bingo cards and a Guess Who? board with them so you can play together on Zoom! Take that, social distancing!


Anything that keeps you connected to the people you love is perfect. Especially those older folks who are missing your visits and aren’t seeing anything else right now. Kindness and compassion are what will keep us from coming out on the other side of this pandemic with as little damage as possible. Stay home, stay safe, and stay in touch.


Tell us how you are staying connected to your favourite people!

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