We are excited to welcome you to the Active Parents team! Let’s get your business front and center at the very spot where parents are searching for information. With no other resource like it in our area, we are confident that Active Parents is the first place parents check when they are looking for events and resources in Halton and Hamilton.

Please complete this business profile and a member of our sales team will be in touch within 48 hours.

Business Directory Submission

  • Will not be posted, only required in case further information is needed
  • Your email will not be shared. This is the email we can contact to discuss your listing.
  • Our directory is home to everything from camp options, kid-friendly restaurants, services parents are looking for to birthday party essentials. Tell us where you fit by clicking the appropriate boxes below.
  • We publish Camps Guides and Activity Guides to help parents discover the perfect camp for their children. Check all that apply.
  • Check the boxes that apply to your business.
  • Check the boxes that apply to your business. Do NOT choose options that do not apply to your business otherwise your entry will be void.
  • We have a massive list of things to do with kids on rainy days, PA Days, or any other days we need to entertain our kids quickly and easily. Check these boxes if they apply to your business. Do NOT choose options that do not apply to your business otherwise your entry will be void.
  • If you are a restaurant who offers a Kids Eat Free day or a Birthday freebie, let us know!
  • We have a variety of ways to promote your business to our audience of awesome families. Check the box below and we will email some ideas.
  • Up to 150 characters.
  • We will be in touch shortly to let you know when your listing is active and to ask any questions we may have, and we will send you a link when you're added to our site.